
A Brief Reflection as the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Mentored Editor

Posted by: on Saturday December 16, 2023 by Alexandra MacMillan Uribe, PhD, RDN When I applied to be the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB) Mentored Editor, to say I had a vague idea of what the position entailed would be outright generous. While I had previous experience publishing in and reviewing for JNEB, how manuscripts moved through the editorial process was largely enigmatic. What I came to learn was far richer and more complex than I had imagined and has instilled a profound appreciation for the thoughtful (...)

The Advisory Committee on Public Policy Capitol Hill Visit: SNEB Members Shaping Polic

Posted by: on Saturday December 16, 2023 by Sara Elnakib, PhD, MPH, RDN; Ricardo Kairios, MS; Laura Vollmer, MPH, RD Engaging in Advocacy The Advisory Committee on Public Policy (ACPP)1 is a committee of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) that focuses on food, nutrition, and health policy at the national and state levels. Membership for this committee is open to all and is a great place for SNEB members to hone their policy and advocacy skills. SNEB members have an important role to play in supporting the d (...)

Ellen’s blog: In the news for December 2023

Posted by: on Saturday December 2, 2023 Weight loss drugs continue to pop up in the news as does the focus on food costs and there climate change, SNAP and physical activity are also in the news. And a new online tool tracks the crops that are grown in your county - where they come from and where they go to. In the news… Is this a joke? Nope. Subway is bringing footlong cookies to their menu in January: nutrition info not yet available FTC warns food inf (...)

From JNEB Editorial: Beyond Our Silos

Posted by: on Saturday November 18, 2023 Pamela Rothpletz-Puglia, EdD, RDN, Alyshia Gálvez, PhD While we are joined as co-authors of this piece, the two of us met each other in a different context: as journal associate editor and prospective author. Both of us are committed to interdisciplinary work (Pamela is a nutritionist and qualitative researcher within an interdisciplinary health science department, while Alyshia is an anthropologist with a primary appointment in an ethnic studies department who largely collaborates with c (...)

From SNEB Editorial – Culinary Medicine and the Promotion of Plant-Based Diets: Is Caution Needed for Older Adults?

Posted by: on Saturday November 18, 2023 Wendy J. Dahl, PhD, RD; Sayaka Nagao-Sato, MSc, RDN; Christina Riccardo, EdD, RDN Culinary Medicine (CM), which combines food, cooking, and the science of medicine1 for the management of chronic disease conditions, is an emerging practice area for health professionals, particularly physicians.2 Culinary skills and food-disease-related knowledge are enhanced by CM training3; however, there is much to learn regarding optimal program outcome measures.4 What cannot be gained from a CM program i (...)

Ellen’s blog – Time for reading, listening, viewing

Posted by: on Friday November 17, 2023 The upcoming holiday weekend is an opportunity for some nutrition-related reading, listening to podcasts or viewing online content we might not have time to otherwise. Enjoy! Reading… ***USAToday’s 5-part series on diabetes in America: Part 1; Part 2: diabetes in MS; Part 3: (...)

JNEB Editorial: Separating Fact From Fiction: Enhancing Nutrition Literacy to Navigate Healthy Eating Decisions

Posted by: on Saturday November 4, 2023 Lauren Haldeman, PhD In an age where information flows freely, the concept of nutrition literacy has emerged as a crucial tool for individual well-being. Nutrition literacy is defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand nutrition information and skills needed in order to make appropriate nutrition decisions.” 1 It goes beyond simply knowing how to identify calories in foods; rather it includes the ability to critically evaluate informati (...)

SNEB Editorial: Understanding Foodways and a New Way to Conference

Posted by: on Saturday November 4, 2023 Sarah Colby, PhD, RD The Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior's (SNEB) international conference provides nutrition professionals with the opportunity to explore the latest in nutrition education and behavior change research, practice, and policy. In recent years, notably in the wake of the COVID pandemic, we have witnessed a concerning rise in the financial deficits incurred by SNEB due to our conferences hosted in hotels; so, a change to our conference model is unavoidable. I have been (...)

In the news…grocers, food prices, weight loss drugs

Posted by: on Saturday November 4, 2023 A lot is happening at grocers including retailers competing ways to reduce Thanksgiving meal costs, SNAP e-commerce access increasing, food-as-medicine efforts and how food insecurity impacts grocers. More broadly, certain food items continue to increase in price. And the conversation about weight loss drugs continues. Grocers: Thanksgiving, SNAP e-commerce, food-as-medicine… Walmart, Aldi competing lower Thanksgiving prices (...)

Ellen’s Blog: Weight loss drugs have been all over the news

Posted by: on Saturday October 21, 2023 Weight loss drugs have been all over the news…drug side effects and most prominently, how they may affect the food we eat/how much food we will buy in the future if more shoppers are taking these drugs. Weight loss drugs… Ozempic and possible mental health effects studied in Europe, not in U.S. One body-positive doctor’s experience prescribing (...)