The Wave of Removing Artificial Colors and Ingredients Continues | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)

The Wave of Removing Artificial Colors and Ingredients Continues

Posted by: on Monday March 5, 2018 nutrition facts

Article originally appears in the March 1, 2018 issue of the SNEB eCommunicator.

Companies respond to consumer advocate demands to remove artificial colors and other ingredients from processed food and restaurant offerings.

**Color additives
An overview of color additives, which ones are FDA-approved and their oversight/regulation.

**Goodbye to artificial colors?
Dr. Marion Nestle’s response to Nestle USA saying it will remove artificial flavors and colors from its chocolates by the end of 2015 with a review of the science surrounding this topic.

A timeline of the wave
**Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese to remove artificial preservatives/synthetic additives –
how one blogger created a lot of pressure for companies to remove artificial ingredients

Which companies are doing what to remove ingredients
**Removing artificial ingredients is part of the clean labeling trend – Target has removed artificial flavors/sweeteners from kids products and Hy-Vee plans to remove more than 200 synthetic chemicals and artificial ingredients in its store brand.–fmi-clean-label-trend-presents-opportunities-and-pitfalls-for-retailers/515959/

**Guiding Stars update – products lose points if they contain artificial colors

**Who is promising what on food additives?
This comprehensive chart details which ingredients are being removed from products, the company date of commitment to remove the ingredient and the actual date it happened. Grocers, restaurants and food manufacturers are reflected in this chart.

**11 companies planning to remove artificial flavors by 2018

**Food companies removing artificial ingredients

**Dunkin removed artificial colors from doughnuts

And lastly…
**7 ways to add natural color to food