JNEB July ’23 Editorial: A New View on Previously Viewed | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)

JNEB July ’23 Editorial: A New View on Previously Viewed

Posted by: and on Monday July 17, 2023
A great perk of SNEB membership is the no-cost availability of SNEB webinars. Sponsored by SNEB Divisions, members, friends of the Society, and related organizations, the webinars offer continuing education and course resources on theory, content and contextual features pertinent to development, delivery, evaluation, planning, and innovation of nutrition education and behavioral topics. These webinars, examples of the superior application of SNEB member expertise, are a desirable deliverable for others, non-SNEB members, involved in health and nutrition education. Additionally, they could be a key feature in new member recruitment efforts. However, until now, the webinars have not been displayed or catalogued in a manner conducive to use by non-SNEB members or promotion in membership recruitment. We have made some changes to correct these deficiencies as a beginning in the quest to market SNEB deliverables.
First, 50 recent webinars were selected for editing and review. Edited out were housekeeping details, announcements, and information not related to the webinar topic. The title slide of the presentation was captured to create a unique face for each webinar. Key words were identified for each webinar to allow webinar selection using keyword searching. Some webinar key words were selected by pairing with a published manuscript and others were provided by webinar authors following targeted queries. The webinar application form was revised to require keywords to make webinar organization sustainable. Finally, a printable, searchable index of webinars was created (Figure).
Check out the new view of the previously viewed webinars at https://www.sneb.org/webinars. The next step is to develop a marketing campaign to inform both SNEB members and non-members about these webinars. We can let others know of these fabulous resources, which will not only add to SNEB coffers, but advance the field of nutrition education and behavior. Let’s work to make this a happening!