Embrace the Opportunity: 2023 SNEB Conference Call for Abstracts | Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB)

Embrace the Opportunity: 2023 SNEB Conference Call for Abstracts

Posted by: and on Monday December 5, 2022
On behalf of the planning committee, we have the great pleasure of inviting you to the 2023 International Conference of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) that will take place in Washington, DC, on July 21 to 23, 2023. This month of November, we will start the “Call for Abstracts,” and we would like to thank you in advance for submitting your work as an abstract. To embrace this opportunity, the purpose of this editorial is to share with you “the what-why-how-when” about submitting an abstract to the 2023 conference. Let’s get started!

The What

In 2023, the conference will focus on the theme, “Empowering Food Citizens: Together for Nutrition and Food Systems Transformation. Re-connect, Re-nourish, Re-inspire…” This theme invites all of us to come together to identify and propose the most powerful ways to empower food citizens, who must be at the heart of nutrition and food systems transformation.
While we encourage you to consider this theme during the abstract submission process, SNEB welcomes creativity and the sharing of innovative research and experiences pertaining to any aspect of nutrition education and behavior. Below you will find the conference tracks, types of abstracts, and presentation formats that will be used to organize the abstract submissions.
Conference tracks
  • Advances for the future of nutrition education and behavior
  • Healthy and sustainable pathways for children and youth
  • Nutrition equity, leaving no one behind
  • Healthy diets, healthy food systems and a healthy planet
  • Nutrition education and behavior theory, research, evaluation, and policy strengthening
  • Digital technology and nutrition education
  • Capacity development and training for the next generation of nutrition educators
Types of abstracts
  • Research abstracts: to share your primary (e.g., original study), secondary (e.g., secondary analysis), or tertiary (e.g., narrative or systematic review) research on any aspect of nutrition education and/or behavior
  • Program Abstracts: to report process and/or outcome evaluation findings for innovative and useful programs/interventions focused on nutrition education and/or behavior change
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Abstracts: to report process and/or outcome evaluation findings for innovative and useful courses and curricula focused on nutrition (e.g., Nutrition in Higher Education; FCS courses in the K-12 environment)
Presentation Formats
  • Poster: Poster presentations to discuss your abstract briefly with interested colleagues in an informal setting
  • Oral: Your research may be selected for oral presentation that will be featured as part of thematically organized sessions, with a moderator and 3 to 4 other presenters.


First, your work will get visibility not only during the conference but it also will be published in a supplemental issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Second, your work may be recognized with awards given by the SNEB Higher Education, Nutrition Education for Children Division and Public Health Division. Third, you will find multiple opportunities for networking and will receive direct feedback and mentorship from world-renowned experts in the field of nutrition education and behavior. Don’t miss out on these benefits and much more!


Are you now ready or interested in presenting your work on one of the conference tracks of the 2023 SNEB Conference? To start, first look at the following link: https://www.sneb.org/abstracts-2023. It contains guidance on how to prepare your abstract, as well as more information about the submission process. Don’t miss the regular abstract submission deadline. Mark your calendars to submit your abstract by 11:59 p.m. EST on February 14, 2023. Throughout this journey, please note that our planning committee is available at  info@sneb.org to respond to any queries you may have regarding abstract submission.
We are really excited about the upcoming conference, and we are looking forward to learning more about your valuable work. Make sure you submit your abstract and spread the word around! Let us work together to make the 2023 SNEB Conference the place to identify solutions, innovations, and actions for maximizing the “multiplier effect” of nutrition education and behavior to support nutrition and food systems transformation. Our next stop…Washington, DC!


  1. FAO: World Food Day 2022: Leave No One Behind. Communications Handbook and Toolkit. FAO2022 https://www.fao.org/world-food-day/communication-toolkit/en (Accessed June 15, 2022)
  2. Hernandez-Garbanzo Y. 2023 SNEB Conference Theme “Empowering Food Citizens: Together for Nutrition and Food Systems Transformation. Re-connect, Re-nourish, Re-inspire… . J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022; 54805-806
  3. United Nations. Food Systems Summit 2021.https://www.un.org/en/food-systems-summit. Accessed June 15, 2022.
  4. FAO: School-based Food and Nutrition Education – A White Paper on the Current State, Principles, Challenges and Recommendations for Low- and Middle-income Countries. FAO2020 https://www.fao.org/3/cb2064en/cb2064en.pdf  (Accessed June 12, 2022)