Dear SNEB Community,
SNEB leadership and staff hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. We continue to be amazed and inspired by the work you are doing around the world to help those most vulnerable to this pandemic’s impacts.
Your continued health and well-being have always, and continue to be at the forefront of our minds as we monitor this pandemic. With that in mind, and based on current health guidance in California and San Diego, the Board of Directors has decided to transition our Annual Conference to a virtual event.
The same cutting-edge research and innovative programming will still be featured. In fact, the digital format will make it easier for us to bring you more programming. The new schedule includes:
- 15 CEUs for live-viewing attendance;
- ~200 oral and poster abstracts;
- JNEB rapid reviews; and
- a virtual Fun Run benefiting the SNEB Foundation.
Every event will be recorded and made available on demand. If you take advantage of all of these opportunities, up to 46 CEUs are available. We have a tentative schedule online at SNEB.org.
We know the pandemic has had many economic impacts on top of the health costs suffered by so many of our relatives, friends, and neighbors. SNEB leadership continues to discuss the best pricing structure to make the conference available to as many people as possible. We hope to announce that decision and open registration very soon.
Times of crisis make it all the more clear how important a sustainable food system is to ensure healthy, affordable food at the local, national, and global levels. We look forward to another strong conference as we advance food and nutrition education research, practice, and policy that promote equity and support public and planetary health.
Best regards,
Jennifer Wilkins, PhD, RD, President
Pam Koch, EdD, RD, President-Elect & Conference Chair
Jasia Steinmetz, PhD, RD, Vice President
Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM, Executive Director