USDA GusNIP Nutrition Incentive and Produce Prescription Programs Role in Strengthening Community-based Food Systems

23jul9:15 am10:15 am9:15 am - 10:15 am(GMT-04:00) USDA GusNIP Nutrition Incentive and Produce Prescription Programs Role in Strengthening Community-based Food SystemsSession TypeHealthy and Sustainable Pathways for Children and Youth

Event Details

Nutrition incentive (NI) and produce prescription (PPR) projects have been effective in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and improving food security in a variety of retail settings, including farm direct (e.g., farmers markets) and local grocers. This session will feature exemplary USDA GusNIP grantees who have successfully implemented NI/PPR projects and engaged with their communities to strengthen their community-based food system. Presentations will highlight project implementation and evaluation, key considerations for NI/PPR interventions, integration of nutrition education, and partnerships with local farmers and grocers.



July 23, 2023 9:15 am - 10:15 am(GMT-04:00)

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