Food and Nutrition Extension Education Division (FNEE)
Chair: Teresa Henson, MS, BS
Chair-Elect: Elizabeth Gollub, PhD, MPH, RD
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This division offers nutrition educators in the Cooperative Extension System the opportunity to share programming and research ideas, resources, and visions of the future. The members include Extension professionals at the local, state, and national levels in the U.S. as well as other national and international professionals. The division presents a pre-conference workshop at SNEB’s Annual Conference that offers an opportunity to network with colleagues to improve program development, implementation, and evaluation skills. The division provides mentors to new members attending the Annual Conference.
Why join the FNEE Division? Watch the video!
- “FNEE has enabled me to connect with professionals with similar interests,” Joanne Kinsey
- “I can’t say enough about the importance of FNEE to my growth as an Extension nutrition specialist over the past 26 years,” Linda Bobroff
- “Belonging to FNEE has enriched my life both personally and professionally,” Alice Henneman
- “FNEE provides a great opportunity to network with colleagues across the country,” Gayle Coleman