Abstract Guidelines

SNEB Annual Conference
Abstracts: Guidelines

Abstract Content:

  • All abstracts must be no more than 325 words (not including title or authors) but including the headings within the online abstract system template, but including all other content.
  • All abstracts must include any funding sources utilizing the dropdown menu in the abstract submission system. Grant numbers are optional.
  • Authors should be aware that abstracts will be published as submitted without copyediting; therefore, spelling errors, grammar, misspelled author name/credentials, will be published as submitted, if accepted.

Tips for Writing Abstracts


  • Please keep title short (<125 characters with spaces) and appealing.
  • Most words in the title should be titlecase, except for articles and prepositions, which should be lowercase. The first word of a subtitle should always be capitalized (even if a, an, the). For example: Whole-Grain Messages: The Words that Resonate with Moms Who Shop at Local Grocers. Refer to AMA style for capitalization guidelines.


  • Include all authors’ credentials as you want them to appear in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. The following information will be published: First Name, Last Name, Credentials, Email Address, Institution, Country if not US. Any author missing credentials will not be queried.
  • More than one abstract may be submitted per author, but each abstract must be completed on a separate Abstract Submission Form.

Responsibility of Abstract Presenters

  • Presenters must register for the annual meeting and are responsible for all registration and personal expenses related to the meeting.  Authors are responsible for providing a substitute presenter if the author is unable to present.
  • Abstracts will be indexed by the last name of the presenting author.
  • No materials for sale are allowed at any presentation.
  • Submissions should not have been published or formally presented elsewhere prior to the annual meeting.
  • Authors are encouraged to consider the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB) for publication of papers based on presentations at the annual meeting. However, acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance by JNEB, nor does rejection of an abstract indicate that it would be unsuitable for publication in JNEB.

Review Process

  • All abstracts will be blinded and peer reviewed according to specific criteria. More information about the review criteria is online. Authors will receive feedback based on a standardized evaluation form if their submission is rejected. All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplemental issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior for the Annual Conference.
  • Due to the blinded review process, reviewers cannot determine if a student or professional submitted the abstract. Faculty who have students submitting abstracts are strongly encouraged to review these abstracts and assist their students in writing the abstract if necessary to increase the students’ chances of acceptance.

If you have any questions, please contact the SNEB office at 317-328-4627 or send an email to info@sneb.org.